In the United States our dogs are part of our families. They provide comfort, emotional support and act as service animals for many types of disabilities and conditions. However, they are still dogs and as such, they sometimes get lost, run away or just wander off exploring the neighborhood and forget to come home. As a result, over 4 million dogs end up in shelters each year and while 500,000 dogs make their way back to their families, there are still millions that don't. The unspeakable result of over crowded shelters and our ability to take care of these dogs or have them adopted by new families is the euthanization of over a million dogs every year. Killing a million dogs a year is inexcuseable when we do have the technology and resources to reunite all of the dogs with their families. DNA has been used by law enforcement for decades and has not only resulted in many criminals behind bars, it has been instrumental in getting wrongly convicted people out of jail. The reality is, DNA is a powerful tool and when commercialized by companies like Mr Dog Poop can become very inexpensive. DOGdex ID® is a program specifically for municipalities to allow the registration of dogs via DNA and insure the safe return of all dogs to their owners. The program does not cost the municipality anything, it is completely paid for by the dog owners via registrations while the municipality gets paid for each dog registration. In fact, municipalities can end up generating millions of dollars to finance animal shelters and other animal control programs. |
How It Works The process is really as easy as 1, 2 3. A simple cotton swab is used by the dogs owner to collect a saliva sample from the dogs mouth. That sample is sent back to Mr Dog Poop® for processing and is converted into a digital or binary datafile based from fragment analysis data generated by capillary electrophoresis of amplified DNA markers unique to each dog. But don't worry, we handle the technical stuff, you just have to swab, seal and send! |
Mr Dog Poop® is working with municipalities to create programs to register all dogs and generate revenue that will help finance the implementation and operating costs of running these programs and still have money left over to support shelters and awareness programs. Won't this
just be another headache for municipalities? Collecting DNA can actually be a revenue stream for municipalities by:
Pet owners are eager to surrender DNA samples because it will be used to return their pets if they run away or get lost. Dog Bites & Identification If someone is bitten by a dog, DNA can be extracted from the bite area, saliva on clothing or even dog hair left behind, then the dog can be matched against the database determining if the victim needs to be treated for rabies and who the owner is of the vicious dog. This is all done without the dog being present, so nobody needs to search for a dog, then try to determine the owner just to be able to determine the medical treatments needed. Why DNA is better than Microchip Technology Microchip RFID tags are inexpensive and effective, if the information in the registry is updated. Unfortunately, in the field it is more common that almost 1/2 of the chips found are untraceable and pets cannot be returned to owners. Making the RFID tags useless. With DNA profiles attached to dog registrations that are required annually the information is always up to date and can be tracked without any tags or electronic devices. DNA is less invasive and more reliable and would not have to be updated by the owners. General Crime Solving Canine DNA is often present and recovered at crime scene investigations and DNA labs like the UC Davis Veterinary Lab have been used to match DNA to pets to help solve those crimes. The use of canine DNA is an important tool for law enforcemnet and is the subject of many reports and studies. One report contracted by the Department Of Justice outlines the need for a uniform system of canine DNA matching protocals as well as a suggested methods for achieving the goal. With the implementation of DOGdex ID® police departments and law enforcement agencies will have 24-7 access to all the registered DNA profiles and will be able to quickly determine a match for any canine DNA found at a crime scene. Municipalities have full online access to plug in DNA fragment analysis data generated by their own DNA labs. Or they can send the samples to Mr Dog Poop™ for processing and matching. In either case, it is a very fast cost effective method to identify the owner of the animal who's DNA was present at a crime scene. This process can save endless dollars, time and resources involved in investigating crimes and locating suspects. DOGdex IDs are a "WIN WIN WIN". The municipality wins, the owners win, the dogs win. There is really no down side except for criminals and it that case, everyone still wins!
Mr Dog Poop Inc |