Mr Dog Poop Home Mr Dog Poop home page, introducing people to our company, services and the dog poop DNA testing industry.

Mr Dog Poop's DNA Lab Tour Mr Dog Poop's DNA lab, see our equipment, staff and see where we process samples the Dog Poop DNA matching process.

DNA Testing Prices Complete pricing details for Mr Dog Poop's DNA testing of cheek swabs and poop samples.

Mr Dog Poop Videos Watch promotional videos, lean about our company, process and DNA testing procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Poop DNA Testing Answers to some of the most common questions property managers are asking about dog poop DNA testing, costs and service considerations.

Crime Lab Database The Crime Lab Database provides an inexpensive solution for apartment complexes, condo associations and others to enforce their pooper scooper rules by determining which dog left the poop based on DNA matches.

Dog Poop DNA Testing Kits Mr Dog Poop is the largest manufacturer and distributor of dog poop DNA testing products. Review the collection kits available and how they are used.

Client Login Login to manage your account, scheduling, update services, pay bills and manage your pet profiles.

Print A Formal Cost Estimate Need the costs in writing? Print a formal estimate with the costs of suggested supplies and break down of monly costs based on how many dogs you have.

DNA Collection Training Videos Videos and resources to guide property managers and program users through all the processes from planning the program to swabbing dogs to collecting dog poop and fining guilty residents.

Dog Poop DNA Sign Up Create an account and begin using Mr Dog Poop's DNA program, featuring the Crime Lab Database. Order supplies and begin the end of the dog poop problem in your community.

Sign Up Now To Use Mr Dog Poop's CRIME LAB®
No Contracts, No Hassles, No More Poop!

What makes Mr Dog Poop Better than the average pooper scooper?

When we looked at this industry overall we realized it was a mess, literally a mess. Not just the yards, but the lack of knowledge in small businesses offering a pooper scooper service.

Comprised mostly of people running their own scooper business from home claiming that they disinfect tools and shoes by spraying Windex or 409 kitchen cleaner over the caked on dog poop. Often using the same vehicle for poop removal as they pick their kids up in at school. Moreover they are generally just being careless, spreading disease from one yard to the next and exacerbating the problems they are claiming to solve.

In our research we asked many of these "Professional Scoopers" about their bad habits and most became defensive and told us that we were being stupid and didn't know what we were doing. Because, the truth is, they did not actually have any real answers to give us.

After studying the biggest issues and dangers associated with dog poop, consulting with experts, veterinarians, bio lab techs and others, we created a process that would do what the others are claiming to do. Better yet, we did it for nearly half the price of the average "Poop Moms" and "Poop Dads".

We felt like it was time for some corporate mentality in the pooper scooper market and that is what we set out to provide.

All of our techs are trained, licensed and insured. They understand the health risks and dangers of dog poop and have the proper tools and attire to make sure there is never any yard to yard contamination.

To remain employed with MR Dog Poop, all Techs much pass an annual written exam demonstrating they have the knowledge and expertise to do their job correctly. They also subject to random ride along by a supervisor and are graded on their actual work processes and procedures.

They wear uniforms with regulation rubber boots that are pressure washed with disinfectant and chlorine along with all tools used in each yard.

Of course having that type of equipment is expensive, much more of a hassle and requires extra time and effort, but to truly prevent dog poop from moving from one yard to the next it is really the only sensible solution.

When a worker is wearing a pair of sneakers to clean a yard they must be soaked in a 32:1 chlorine solution for 20 minutes to be completely disinfected, that is assuming there are no heavy deposits of feces on the soles or hidden in the cracks. But that is not being done and these scoopers are proliferating the spread of disease and creating hazards that would not exists if you just left the poop in the yard.

We use repellents to insure no fleas are spread from one yard to another and to protect the Dog Poop Techs from flea and tick bites as well.

All yard cleanups are logged in real time with GPS tracking, online notifications and real accountability of the services provided.

In the unlikely event of an outbreak such as parvovirus or giardia, we can track which yards were entered at what time and do testing to make sure no cross contamination has occurred. This gives us real time accountability and management tools for any crisis that might occur.

Our goal is to bring corporate mentality to a common back yard problem. Offering assistance with indoor carpet cleanups, pressure washing driveway and walkway surfaces, installing commercial pet solutions, proving flea and tick control, yard disinfecting, lawn burn spot repair, stool sampling and other services that all contribute to a safer and more enjoyable environment for you and your pets.

We have even set up a DNA lab to facilitate the return of lost pets and help curb the public dog poop nuisance plaguing so many cities.

The mom and pop shop scooper services have virtually no understanding of the problems that they are creating and no ability to go beyond just picking up piles of poop in between dropping off and picking up their kids at school.

We have elevated pooper scooping to a new level and made it more affordable, more reliable and safer for you and your pets.

Think of it as the difference between a "Witch Doctor" and The Mayo Clinic. One just does what they feel like, the other has state of the art technology, sterile facilities and trained professionals.

The witch doctor may have some great homeopathic remedies and even cure a cold or fever on occasion, but when I am sick, I would rather go to real a hospital.

You can call one of the soccer mom scoopers or call Mr Dog Poop, for basically the same price, but compare the services offered by each.

Service Type

Mr Dog Poop

"Soccer Mom & Dad Scoop Services"

Basic Yard Clean Up



Licensed & Insured



Disinfect Tools with Pressure Washer



Uniformed & ID Badges



Online Service Tracking and Scheduling



Online Shopping and FREE Drop offs



Urine Neutralization



Stool Sampling



Spot Cleaning Indoor Carpet & Upholstery



Pressure Wash Driveway and Walkway Spots



Flea & Tick Treatments



Spot Disinfecting



Complete Yard Disinfecting



Chemical Pressure Washing Kennels & Structures




Crime Lab DNA Testing & Poop Matching



Installation of Dog Waste Stations




Other observations we have made is the total lack of business understanding in the most of mom and pop scoop shops. Always looking to charge for every minute on the job, extra money for initial cleanups charged by the minute and no real appreciation for their actual customers.

Most of the smaller pooper scoopers are offering upsell services like yard raking and pool cleaning to help pay their bills because they have not been able to make enough money simply scooping poop. They operate week to week, avoid having expenses like liability insurance and can go out of business at any time. They offer no pickups when they are sick or have a family event but often don't charge for it either.

If they don't have the money for disinfectant today, the tools don't get sprayed. Meaning, they spread everything though every single yard.

We recently watched one scooper service go out of business after 20 years in service because he could not afford to repair his 20 year old pickup truck. The truck broke down and all the customers where out of luck with poop piling up in their yards.

People are hiring a service that they expect to be reliable, dependable and professional. That is what they are paying for, it is not charity, people expect value for their money.

If you mow your lawn each week on Friday, you want the yard cleaned on Thursday so you are not spreading poop and creating bigger problems. If your scooper fails to show up because they are at uncle Joe's wedding, that is just not acceptable.

We plan on changing all that by proving exactly what the customer wants, providing customer satisfaction and animal waste services that go beyond just picking up dog poop. Providing corporate backing and financing, online GPS tracking and real time scheduling of services.

Companies like Waste Management have taken waste disposal to a new level. They have minimized landfill resources and made millions of dollars in the process.

We are doing the same with animal waste management techniques, picking up one yard at a time and providing solutions for cleaning up after your pets and not just a basic scooper service.

We run educational programs and attend events to make people aware of the risks and concerns with dog poop building more than just a scooper service.

We realize what a problem dog waste is quickly becoming and we are building awareness, problem solving and effective solutions.

Poop Scoop Summary

It really comes down to a few simple facts, we have done the research, identified the problems, created solutions and processes, built advanced technology and safety protocols and invested into an infrastructure that will support it.

Our company has evolved into much more than a dog poop removal company.

The fact is, we are doing it right, making the process safer, more reliable and more affordable.

We certainly are not knocking all of our competitors. We are just pointing out the facts and letting the customers decide who they feel better about in their yards cleaning up after their pets.

©2014-2024 Mr Dog Poop Inc
Mr Dog Poop® , Crime Lab® and DOGdex ID® are Registered Trademarks of Mr Dog Poop Inc