Keeping Pets Safe From Corona Virus (covid-19)The CDC is warning about pets contracting covid-19 from their owners and potentially spreading the disease. They have warned to keep pets isolated from anyone that shows symptoms of covid-19. But many people with covid-19 don't show any signs of having the virus. So how do you keep your pets safe in this evolving pandemic? The best way to keep your pets safe is to keep yourself safe. If you are not careless, avoid contact with people or surfaces that could infect you, then you won't pass the corona virus to your pets. If you do become infected, keep your pets isolated in a operate room or outside your home. Always wear gloves and a mask when handling their food and water dishes. If gloves are not available wash hands thoroughly before feeding them. Any face covering is better than nothing, a scarf, bandanna or any cloth available. Maintain distance. Do not allow pets to run up and lick your hands and avoid petting them as hard as that might be. Keeping pets safe will help avoid further spreading the disease and potentially infecting other members of your family. There is nothing easy about this virus. Be as careful as possible and always assume that everyone has the virus even if they appear to be completely healthy. The fact is, vaccines are already here and it is only a matter of time before we all get through this mess. But you want to make sure that you and your pets get through healthy and safe. The recommended precautions may seem extreme, but how valuable is your health to you? |
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