Mr Dog Poop Home Mr Dog Poop home page, introducing people to our company, services and the dog poop DNA testing industry.

Mr Dog Poop's DNA Lab Tour Mr Dog Poop's DNA lab, see our equipment, staff and see where we process samples the Dog Poop DNA matching process.

DNA Testing Prices Complete pricing details for Mr Dog Poop's DNA testing of cheek swabs and poop samples.

Mr Dog Poop Videos Watch promotional videos, lean about our company, process and DNA testing procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Poop DNA Testing Answers to some of the most common questions property managers are asking about dog poop DNA testing, costs and service considerations.

Crime Lab Database The Crime Lab Database provides an inexpensive solution for apartment complexes, condo associations and others to enforce their pooper scooper rules by determining which dog left the poop based on DNA matches.

Dog Poop DNA Testing Kits Mr Dog Poop is the largest manufacturer and distributor of dog poop DNA testing products. Review the collection kits available and how they are used.

Client Login Login to manage your account, scheduling, update services, pay bills and manage your pet profiles.

Print A Formal Cost Estimate Need the costs in writing? Print a formal estimate with the costs of suggested supplies and break down of monly costs based on how many dogs you have.

DNA Collection Training Videos Videos and resources to guide property managers and program users through all the processes from planning the program to swabbing dogs to collecting dog poop and fining guilty residents.

Dog Poop DNA Sign Up Create an account and begin using Mr Dog Poop's DNA program, featuring the Crime Lab Database. Order supplies and begin the end of the dog poop problem in your community.

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No Contracts, No Hassles, No More Poop!

Mr Dog Poop's DNA Collection Kits

Mr Dog Poop offers a complete line of supplies ranging from DNA collection kits to return packaging and printed materials to help explain the dog poop testing program and process to community residents. All purchases are optional, however, each community will need to purchase some of the swabbing kits used to collect DNA from dogs being added to the Crime Lab® Database.

All the DNA collection kits are manufactured in our facility in Tampa Florida and are designed to maximize DNA viability as well as quickly integrating into our lab equipment for processing.

All samples submitted to Mr Dog Poop's DNA Lab, must be returned in Mr Dog Poop's DNA collection kits. While other kits may be available, we do require our kits to be used so that we have the correct information about the samples as well as meeting the form factor for our work flow processes. Samples arriving in home made kits, plastic bags or any other creative DNA collection medium will not be processed.

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Dog DNA Swabbing Kits

The DNA swabbing kits contain an information card, 2 swabs and one pair of nitrile gloves. No drying of swabs is required, the swab is placed in the tube immediately after swabbing the dogs cheek and the drying pack in the tube will absorb any moisture and preserve the DNA for several years.

Swabbing the dogs is a very easy fast process, taking just a few minutes. The most difficult part is filling out the information card and putting on the gloves.

Our unique kits are designed to stabilize DNA for long periods of time. We have tested swabs that had been stored for 3 years after swabbing dogs and were able to get more than enough DNA to add them to the database. They are unaffected by hot or cold tempratures and remain stable for shipping or storage.

Kits have a 3 year shelf life which is the limit of the foam used on the swab tips. After 3 years the foam becomes brittle and is not suitable for collecting buccal cells from the dog's cheek.

About The Swabbing Kit

Understanding the Swabbing Kits (2:45) - The swabbing collection kits comprise an information card, 2 swabs and a pair of gloves. Both swabs must be used and returned with the desiccant packs in place. There is not typically enough DNA on one swab to complete adequate testing, so both must be througly saturated with saliva and buccal cells before retuning them to the tubes. The desiccant packs will dry the swabs and preserve the DNA for long term storage.

Poop Collection Kit - Type II

Type II Poop Collection Kit

It has been our experience over many years that some customers do not have the time or patience to seperate the outside surface of the dog poop to get high quality DNA results. A proper poop collection will take as much as 30 minutes from start to finish. If done incorrectly, there will be no DNA profile for the dog, which has been a common problem. For years customers struggeled with the process.

So in 2022 we changed exclusively to the TYPE II kits, which is slightly more expensive, but is much less effort for the customer. The entire poop is just placed into a large container with some drying packs and dropped in the mail. Each kit has a prepaid 2-Day Priority Mail label on the box so it gets to our DNA lab quickly for processing.

Returning Samples

Returning Swabs to The Lab (1:30) - Use the return packaging to send quantities of swabs back to the lab. Swabs can be stored for a month or more before shipping provided they are stored away from sunlight. There is no need to send swabs in the day they are collected, shipping several at one time will save money on shipping.

Return Envelopes

We will accept all returned kits at the lab in any packaging. But to save time and money, we do offer 3 different size return envelopes that can be used.

All return envelopes are pre-addressed with our distinct logo and are very easy to identify. Just add some stamps and drop in a mailbox. If the postage is not correct and we need to pay postage due, the additional postage will be added to your account.

We offer these envelopes at our cost, however shipping can get expensive for low cost envelopes, so we suggest that you only order envelopes with other supplies to keep shipping fees at a minimum.

Please do not ship swabs to the lab overnight, it is just not necessary. Wait until you have a few swabs and send them using US Mail for the lowest possible shipping cost.

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©2014-2025 Mr Dog Poop Inc
Mr Dog Poop® , Crime Lab® and DOGdex ID® are Registered Trademarks of Mr Dog Poop Inc