Mr Dog Poop Home Mr Dog Poop home page, introducing people to our company, services and the dog poop DNA testing industry.

Mr Dog Poop's DNA Lab Tour Mr Dog Poop's DNA lab, see our equipment, staff and see where we process samples the Dog Poop DNA matching process.

DNA Testing Prices Complete pricing details for Mr Dog Poop's DNA testing of cheek swabs and poop samples.

Mr Dog Poop Videos Watch promotional videos, lean about our company, process and DNA testing procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Poop DNA Testing Answers to some of the most common questions property managers are asking about dog poop DNA testing, costs and service considerations.

Crime Lab Database The Crime Lab Database provides an inexpensive solution for apartment complexes, condo associations and others to enforce their pooper scooper rules by determining which dog left the poop based on DNA matches.

Dog Poop DNA Testing Kits Mr Dog Poop is the largest manufacturer and distributor of dog poop DNA testing products. Review the collection kits available and how they are used.

Client Login Login to manage your account, scheduling, update services, pay bills and manage your pet profiles.

Print A Formal Cost Estimate Need the costs in writing? Print a formal estimate with the costs of suggested supplies and break down of monly costs based on how many dogs you have.

DNA Collection Training Videos Videos and resources to guide property managers and program users through all the processes from planning the program to swabbing dogs to collecting dog poop and fining guilty residents.

Dog Poop DNA Sign Up Create an account and begin using Mr Dog Poop's DNA program, featuring the Crime Lab Database. Order supplies and begin the end of the dog poop problem in your community.

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No Contracts, No Hassles, No More Poop!

Ever since Mr Dog poop set up it's DNA lab in Tampa Florida the topic of enforcing dog poop cleanups at multi-family properties has been a fierce debate.

On one side, the dog owners are worried about privacy and what implications could arrive as a result of sending their dog's DNA to an outside lab.

On the other side, the dogless residents of each community that are sick and tired of dealing with, stepping in or smelling dog poop when they are paying serious amounts of money to rent apartments.

Dog ownership has become an increasing trend over the last 20 years almost doubling the population of pets living in multi-family housing and creating a serious poop problem on most properties.

The battle over poop seems to be a daily occurrence and in many cases has resulted in physical altercations and even murders. The subject of dog poop is enough to take many people into a fit of rage because of the careless and inconsiderate nature of the "poop and run" crime.

So companies like Mr Dog Poop Inc, yes it is really a company, have begun testing dog poop left on properties and using long proven criminal forensics processes they can report back to the property managers which dog was responsible.

At one time, this type of technology was just far too costly to be applied to simple domestic or non-criminal issues. But that has changed and the science it now affordable and sensible for resolving civil disputes.

The science is still very complex but newer technologies have made it more commercially accessible and is being applied in many consumer accessible products providing ancestry, disease screening and even full sequencing. So why not dog poop matching?

The creator of Mr Dog Poop set out to solve a problem, how to help property managers force residents to clean up after their pets. And they did it using DNA.

While some people that surrendering their dog's DNA is some type of constitutional violation but there are no constitutional amendments that protect pets civil rights. In fact, pets are treated as "property" like cars or toaster ovens.

Despite our love of our pets, the law does not recognize them as people and because of that, property managers have full authority to regulate, manage and test a dogs DNA as part of the rental agreement.

This has opened the door for dog poop DNA testing companies to turn dog poop into profits.

At the same time, those profits are making apartment living fun again with far less interactions with dog poop and fewer conflicts between residents over pooping dogs.

Despite the dissent for dog poop programs, they are very effective, affordable and solve problems that were thought to be unsolvable.

So if you are a pet owner, it is probably only a matter of time before you are faced with having your dog DNA tested so your community can enforce their dog poop pick up policies.

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Mr Dog Poop® , Crime Lab® and DOGdex ID® are Registered Trademarks of Mr Dog Poop Inc