Mr Dog Poop Home Mr Dog Poop home page, introducing people to our company, services and the dog poop DNA testing industry.

Mr Dog Poop's DNA Lab Tour Mr Dog Poop's DNA lab, see our equipment, staff and see where we process samples the Dog Poop DNA matching process.

DNA Testing Prices Complete pricing details for Mr Dog Poop's DNA testing of cheek swabs and poop samples.

Mr Dog Poop Videos Watch promotional videos, lean about our company, process and DNA testing procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Poop DNA Testing Answers to some of the most common questions property managers are asking about dog poop DNA testing, costs and service considerations.

Crime Lab Database The Crime Lab Database provides an inexpensive solution for apartment complexes, condo associations and others to enforce their pooper scooper rules by determining which dog left the poop based on DNA matches.

Dog Poop DNA Testing Kits Mr Dog Poop is the largest manufacturer and distributor of dog poop DNA testing products. Review the collection kits available and how they are used.

Client Login Login to manage your account, scheduling, update services, pay bills and manage your pet profiles.

Print A Formal Cost Estimate Need the costs in writing? Print a formal estimate with the costs of suggested supplies and break down of monly costs based on how many dogs you have.

DNA Collection Training Videos Videos and resources to guide property managers and program users through all the processes from planning the program to swabbing dogs to collecting dog poop and fining guilty residents.

Dog Poop DNA Sign Up Create an account and begin using Mr Dog Poop's DNA program, featuring the Crime Lab Database. Order supplies and begin the end of the dog poop problem in your community.

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No Contracts, No Hassles, No More Poop!

Kennel and Structural Pressure Washing & Disinfecting

In many cases, where dogs are kept, dog houses, kennels or cages they will become extremely dirty and full of bacteria and germs. The best way to clean them is by pressure washing using a commercial disinfectants such as Top Performance™ 256.

The combination of pressure washing and soaking the area in the disinfectant will clean the area from accumulated grime as well as disinfect the area and make it safer for your pets to use.

"The biggest problem with pet enclosures is that once germs are present, the animals will keep getting sick over and over until the source is removed. We recommend this type of cleaning at least once every six months or immediately following any serious pet illness to make sure that all area surfaces are safe as possible."

How the Pressure Washing Service Works

We will arrive at your location with 275 gallons of premixed solution based on the application. That solution is run through a 2500-4000lb commercial pressure washer system to effectively clean all the surfaces.

Heavy grime areas will be pretreated with solvents or disinfectants as needed before the final rinse process allowing the disinfectants time to work on problem areas or porous surfaces such as wood or outdoor carpets.

It is important that we use a throughly mixed solution and that it is not delivered using a common siphon feed, garden hose end feeder, or standard pressure washing methods so we can insure even distribution of the disinfectant.

And I think it goes without saying that all pets must be clear of the area being washed for their safety and ours.

Although not required, the area will then be rinsed with clean water making all surfaces safe to be used by your pets immediately after the completion of the washing process. The rinse prevents accidental ingestion of disinfectants by your dog from puddles or wet areas.

The cost of this service is based on the area being cleaned and what other services are provided at the same time. For example, the cost will be much lower if done with a full yard clean up than on its own. Like wise, a 200sq ft area will be much cheaper than 2000sq ft.

A good general overall cost estimate for kennel clean up is around $150 for jobs taking up to 4 hours to complete. But cleanups can range from $50 for quick in and out small areas to $300 in extreme cases for an entire day of labor or jobs requiring several tanks of cleaning solution.

Most of the cleanups are in the 1-2 hour range costing under $100 for the disinfectant, cleaning service and all other costs.

©2014-2025 Mr Dog Poop Inc
Mr Dog Poop® , Crime Lab® and DOGdex ID® are Registered Trademarks of Mr Dog Poop Inc